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Gate Properties

The Gate type exposes the following members.

Public propertyArity
Get arity of the gate (based on Qubits or Mat/Kraus size).
Public propertyStatic memberCacheDisable
Whether or not the gate cache is disabled. The cache is used if this property is false. The cache should be disabled if gates are being built in parallel.
Public propertyDraw
The drawing instructions for this gate.
Public propertyHelp
The help string for this gate.
Public propertyKraus
The Kraus operator matrix list for this gate (if op type is Channel). If the gate is not a channel, this will be an empty list.
Public propertyMat
The unitary matrix for this gate. If the gate is not defined by a single unitary, this will be a 0x0 matrix.
Public propertyName
The name of this gate.
Public propertyOp
This gate's operation.
Public propertyParent
This gate's parent, if any.
Public propertyQubits
The arity of this gate; that is, the number of qubits the gate operates on.
Public propertyUser
The user info associated with this gate, if any.
See Also