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FermionRun Method
Overload List
Public methodRun(Boolean, FSharpOptionInt32)
Runs the simulation to obtain a phase estimate. A previous call to Build() or BuildSingle() is required.
Public methodStatic memberRun(DictionaryString, String, String)
Runs a Fermion test from a .dat file, based on a script A basic axecution trace is sent to both the console and the log. Detailed information is sent just sent to the log. See the Users Manual for details on the parameters.
Public methodStatic memberRun(DictionaryString, String, String)
Runs a pre-loaded Fermion test based on a script. A basic axecution trace is sent to both the console and the log. Detailed information is sent just sent to the log. See the Users Manual for details on the parameters.
Public methodStatic memberRun(DictionaryString, String, FSharpFuncDouble, FSharpFuncFSharpListQubit, Unit, Ket)
Runs a Fermion test from a pre-built circuit and state vector. See the Users Manual for details on the parameters.
See Also